{All Hopped Up}

{Yelp's All Hopped Up-Observatory OC/Santa Ana}
My friend Jen and I attended 'All Hopped Up', Yelp OC's Yelper Party for 2012 last Sunday. It was hosted at Observatory OC, a venue located a mere 10 minutes from my house.
There was quite the turnout (1500+ yelpers); lines wrapped around corners and were at least 20 minute waits when we first arrived (30 minutes after the event started). At least food (quiche and macarons) and beverages were complimentary, there was a fantastic aeriel show performed by the Orange County Aeriel Arts, and live band.
I had been anticipating the opportunity to taste local beers and food trucks, but unfortunately due to unreliable vendors, only beers available on tap and in house at the venue were served. I enjoyed the aeriel show while sipping on Shock Top, and after the show, Jen and I walked straight up to the bar and got two more beers. We headed over to the  appetizer table provided by Rocq Cafe and grabbed some quiche, but no macarons (they had run out)! Jen and I got to know Deborah the co-owner of Rocq Cafe (and wife of Chef Rocq)! We are excited to plan a trip over to the cafe soon!

Check out reviews from the event here!
{Images via Nikon Coolpix L110}