{LA Affair}

{DIY with Aimee of SwellMayde & Thread Affair...Tiny Bandit Pop Up/Sample Sale}

Thursday night consisted of DIY-ing, shopping, snapping photos, and repeating. I made a trek up to Palihouse in West Hollywood for a DIY sesh with Aimee of Swellmayde & online boutique the Thread Affair, as well as to shop the huge pop up/sample sale hosted by Tiny Bandit. Light and bright colors, pretty prints in the form of jewelry, sweaters, dresses, tees, and sheer and soft fabrics lined many racks and tables throughout the space. I picked out a silver collar necklace from the Thread Affair table, and Aimee showed me how to apply colorful embroidery thread and matte silver spikes to it for an edgy flair.
Check out the Thread Affair's blog for highlights from their pop up sale and DIY event, as well as Swellmayde for creative, fashion DIY projects, and Tiny Bandit for the next pop up sale!
{Images via Nikon D7000}