photo: hanger shortage
Original Photos:
All photos (with or without watermarke), media and written content (including comments) on this blog are the sole property and original work of Amanda N Hammond, formerly Feast.Fashion.Faves unless stated otherwise (usually at the bottom of the individual blog post). In which case the images or content are owned and must be licensed from the respective owner for any kind of personal or commercial use.
Stock Photos & Content:
Stock images or photos uploaded from Unsplash via Squarespace’s integration will not contain attribution to the photographer or source through the Unsplash license. Images and content rendered via Canva is created and published under the Free Media License Agreement, and under this license for any Pixabay photos used or published. Should a photographer or source want the images or content removed/revised or attribution added, contact Amanda.
Usage of Amanda’s Photos/Content:
All of the material on Amanda N Hammond - Feast.Fashion.Faves is copyrighted and protected by law, and shall not be rewritten, published, or used in any medium without permission. Please email Amanda for permission if you are interested in using photos, media or written content. Content that is found to be used without permission will result in a cease and desist letter sent to you in which immediate action needs to be taken, failure to do so will result in your web host or social media platform provider being notified and your content reported as fraudulent; further legal action may be taken for failure to comply.
If you use content/bandwidth, be advised that your web host will be notified and immediate legal action will be taken.
© 2011-2024 Amanda N Hammond - Feast.Fashion.Faves. All rights reserved.