Trying Japanese Kit Kat キットカット Flavors - Milk Tea, Mint and More
I’m so excited to share part 3 of "Tasting Japanese Kit Kat Flavors"! See part 1 here and part 2 here! I had gotten a tip from Scott's former co-worker that there were new Japanese KitKat/キットカット (Kitto Katto) flavors at 99 Ranch Market so I headed over there and snagged a few bags (and a box). Usually new kit kat shipments will be displayed right at the front, so it made it easy for us to grab a couple of the flavors, then I found a couple more around the store. I listed what we got and tastedbelow, let me know if you've ever tried any of these flavors!
Apple Cinnamon - アップルシナモン:
Strawberry Milk - いちごミルク:
Milk Tea - ミルクティー味:
Strawberry Cheesecake - ストロベリーチーズケーキ味
Mint - ミント: