Reed Krakoff & The Dream Guild of JDRF OC

I stopped by Saks Fifth Avenue, South Coast Plaza for an exclusive shopping event hosted by the Reed Krakoff Boutique and the Dream Guild of JDRF Orange County. 15% of purchases during the event went towards the JDRF cause of researching to prevent, treat and cure type 1 diabetes. Colette's Catering Extraordinaire provided de-lish quiche squares, fruit kabobs, and puff pastries with chocolate mousse. I had a ball looking through the gorgeous handbags and accessories; some fall faves include the well known Boxer in every color and texture (this handbag is PERFECT, the shape and size is just what I need for every day use (and of course storing my camera in snug and sound); the oxblood (Cordovan) shade in the Atlantique leather tote with front haircalf (shown above left); the Uniform Hard Satchel in Black, which is the total Metropolitan essential; and the XL Kit Clutch, you know I love a nice over-sized envelope/portfolio clutch! Check out my idol, Garance Dore's | Nomad Chic--the RK Boxer in Transit Photo Diary.