How to Make a Vision Board
Creating vision boards are limited to the beginning of the year for the new year - make one when you feel like it and you can start to work towards what’s shown on your board or continue to aspire to achieve those things. This year, my girlfriends and I decided to get together and have a vision board party. In the past, we’d have to gather magazines to clip words, sayings and images, but now there are vision board specific booklets that you can buy on amazon. It’s like printed pinterest boards, and the pages are usually organized by category like health/wellness, fitness, fashion, food, events and by color.
Here’s everything you need to create your vision board at home or for a party.
Glue or Adhesive
A surface for your vision board: cardstock, canvas, cork board - I created mine in my Passion Planner
Extra: stickers! I have several Passion Planner sticker books that were perfect for adding the final touches to the vision board spread
It was super easy to get everything together, and such a fun activity to do with friends or family! You’re basically making a collage (this activity reminded me of when I used to create collages to put in my school binders). It’s as easy as just flipping through the booklets, cutting out the images that resonate most with you, gluing them to the surface (board, canvas, cardstock, planner, etc) you’re creating your vision board with, then display where you can see it daily. My friend created her vision board on paper then placed it in a frame that she has on her desk. I created mine as a spread in my Passion Planner, and flip to it! We didn’t put a dent in the vision board photo books, so I’ll definitely be able to use these books again next year. I’ve linked the two vision board books in amazon shop here. Happy Vision Boarding!