My Maltipoo Lucky's 9th Birthday with Woofpak Pet Kitchen Treats
Lucky is 9 years old, and officially an “old” pup because when we took him to the vet he had to go through a “Senior Wellness Check”. But he still gets mistaken as a puppy, so I’m pretty happy about that. To celebrate Lucky’s birthday, we were going to get him another Woofpak Pet Kitchen birthday cake (which they had redesigned since the last cake that we bought for him).

But, they were unfortunately sold out of their birthday cakes, so I had Scott pick up a cupcake and donut. Lucky had no objections to not have a cake because he inhaled the cupcake and donut. You can place an order from Woofpak Pet Kitchen online and pick up or local delivery (although I don’t know how far they will deliver - but they do not deliver to RSM). We shop at the Irvine Spectrum location, you can see all of the pet locations here.