HiroNori Craft Ramen Reopening with Safety Features and Outdoor Dining - Trade Irvine
What’s your comfort food? I always find comfort in a yummy bowl of tonkotsu (pork) ramen! I got the opportunity to experience HiroNori Craft Ramen todayy because Trade (Food Hall) Irvine has re-opened.
The Trade Marketplace space and surrounding area includes added safety features such as floor decals for indication on where to stand to order/wait for food, as well as to maintain 6ft distances.
There’s expanded outdoor seating, hand sanitation stations, QR code menus, and I appreciated the temperature check at HiroNori before being seated.
Scott got the pork bowl which he said was THE BEST pork bowl he has ever eaten LOL. And I do highly recommend the pork buns here! You can view and join the waitlist for outdoor dining here.
HiroNori Craft Ramen at Trade Irvine
2222 Michelson Drive
Irvine, CA 92612
Monday - Sunday: 11am-10pm