Lace Maxi Dress & Chunky Choker for OC Style Report

I hope you're having an amazing weekend so far; today, I'm going to celebrate my boyfriend's 26th birthday! What are you up to?
In this shoot, I felt like an ethereal, mystifying, and enchanting creature in this feminine lace maxi dress and statement silver jewelery for the OC Style Report blogger series. It was fun feeling like I was embodying a character; the softer side of a warrior princess who kingdom stretches across vast mountains, sprawling trees, and I getting ahead of myself? Don't blame me! I just have a crazy imagination, and when combined with fashion, is elevated to another level.

Dress, Ark & Co from Love & Laundry Boutique
Jewelry, Raptor Jewelry
Shoes,  provided by OC Style Report
Photography: Zachary Epstein/ Hair & Make-up: Swell Beauty/ Stylists: Katie O’Sullivan of Styled by Katie & Amanda Nguyen/ Wardrobe: Love & Laundry/ Jewelry: Raptor Jewelry