Sawdust Art Festival in Laguna Beach, CA

My friend Brynn has a booth at the Sawdust Art Festival and invited me to come check out Backward Prints; her line of eco-friendly stationary and screen printed organic t-shirts . "

Backward Prints represents following your dreams, making important decisions, which effect the earth, laughing, friendships, greener earth = happy animals and happy people"...I picked up a 'you and i fit together' plantable card for only $5; and have already planted the note anxiously awaiting for the flowers that will sprout from it. The

Sawdust Art Festival is a popular destination in Laguna Beach, and remember visiting every summer as a little girl. Featuring over 200 Laguna Beach artists, live demos and entertainment, and studio art classes; the Sawdust Art Festival is dedicated to educating the public and promoting art created in Laguna Beach.

Denim Shirt,Thrifted/ Lace Bandeau, Kanvas/ Chiffon Maxi Skirt, Forever21/ Fringe Bucket Bag, H&M