Traveling in NYC Day #3 Recap - Spring 2012

I've been gearing up for my trip to NY in September, and remembered that I hadn't posted photos from my 3rd day in NY during my trip this past May with Ariel. I started off my morning with a quick thrifting trip with Tessa of Couturelust; and saw Chris of The Tiny Tierant for a couple seconds!

Afterwards, I met Ariel and our friend Lauren back at the apartment in Brooklyn and we headed to the East Village for brunch.  Tessa had seen that I had checked-into Café Orlin and informed me of a flea market near by that we could all check out.

Take Advantage of the Brunch Specials! Brioche French Toast (Above) Breakfast Sandwich/ bacon, egg and cheddar on challah bun with homefries (shown below with potatoes, but there are currently no substitutions) and salad, Goat Cheese Tomato & Spinach Omelet/with country style potato salad and rye toast (Below)

So we trekked a couple blocks to get to this flea market, and Lauren found a pretty cuff for $3! We roamed the streets for a little bit and took in the Cinco de Mayo festivities happening around the city; and of course participated with some $3 margaritas and beers!

Next stop, Chelsea, to observe Ariel's sister, Mia's (of, collection for Parsons be photographed for her end of the year project. We concluded our day by walking the High Line; a gorgeous stretch of public park, built on a historic freight rain line located above the streets of Manhattan's West Side. I definitely want to come back here, bring lunch with me and enjoy it surrounded by the High Line's landscape, architecture, city views, and art.